Scienco Environmental Services
Occupational Hygiene                                                                                                   (Index)

Health and Safety Regulations such as COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) in the UK and European directives make employers increasingly aware of occupational health issues. Whatever your problems are, Scienco will provide a cost effective response to help you comply with these regulations.  more..

Sick building syndrome (SBS)

SBS is a term used to describe a building in which the occupants experience a range of symptoms causing discomfort and a sense of being unwell, rather than specific illnesses. These buildings are typically modern offices which have mechanical ventilation or air conditioning. It is a complex problem and much of the evidence for it is inconclusive and circumstantial. Both physical and psychological causes have been suggested.

The range of symptoms may include:

  • eye, nose and throat irritation
  • sensitisation of mucus membranes and skin
  • skin rash
  • headaches
  • high frequency of infection and coughs
  • hoarseness, wheezing
  • itching, and unspecified hypersensitivity
  • nausea and dizziness

For more information or advice call 0845 6039053

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Laboratory Analysis

PCB Analysis

Siloxane Analysis

Dissolved Gases

Environmental Audits

Contaminated Land

Landfill Site Investigations

flux Box Testing


Occupational Hygiene


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